Jacob's Ladder
Educational Tutorial Services
Youth Behavior Counseling Assessment

Corporate Offices
2470 Gray Falls Center Ste 250
Houston, TX 77077

Proverbs 22:6

3th - 12th Grade
English/ Reading /Math/ Writing
GED -College Support

Caring ~ Compassion~ Concerns


The language of England, widely used in many varieties. The easy language to learn and most popular. Children who master English become more adept at expressiveness, which is advantageous to their academic success. Early English learning provides them with language skills they need to perform better on academic tests and excel in their studies. Reading is the process of looking at a series of written symbols and getting meaning from them. When we read, we use our eyes to receive written symbols and we use our brain to convert them into words.


Mathematics is an area of knowledge that includes the topics of numbers, formulas and related structures, shapes, and the spaces in which they are contained and quantities and their changes. Bad Math is' A MYTH'. Every Child need some support. Call or email Us


Writing any conventional system of marks or signs that represent utterance of a language. Writing makes language visible. Writing is concrete and can be permanent. Three Main purposes for writing: 1.Persuade 2.Inform 3.Entertain. Every child need encouragement and support to improve their writing skills. A good future ahead for their education.

GED PREP and Collegiate Services

A diploma is an official marking of completing and passing all courses required for high school graduation. Prep for this test is important and JTL services can assist you. Need assistance with college classes. GIVE US A CALL!

What is Mental Health

Mental Health consist of three entities: 1. Thoughts and Thinking 2. Emotions/Feelings 3. Action/Behavior

Ask About Our Youth Behavior / Mental Health Counseling Services Now! Available!

Expert counseling for youth's behavioral health concerns. Professional help for a brighter future. Ask about Our Faith-Based Counseling Services. The New! Kids Klub Counseling Services Ages:5-12 years and Next Generation Teen Behavior Health Ages 13-17. Visit Our Web: www.healthylife3counsel.com

Learn More
JLT's Online/Onsite tutorial is a professional service offering English, math and reading. Our primary target is grades third-ninth with a desire to improve their learning skills. An initial review of basics with a progression to their grade level and beyond. An academic prep for their next grade promotion. JLT'S implements a very hands-on approach and the latest web-based programs on-site. Call us. 1:1 per tutor or up to 1-4 per tutor provided.

JLT'S keep it Back to Basics and with a future purpose in Improved Academics.
**GED and College Support Available Also

Ask about our Youth Behavior Health Services:

New! Kids Klub Counseling Services for ages 5-12 years which include assessment, interventions/refers and evaluation/recommendations.

Our Next Generation Teen Behavior Health Counseling for ages 13-17 provides assessment, goals with interactions, interventions, recommendations, and support group follow-up.
  • 2470 Gray Falls Dr Ste 250, Houston, Texas, United States
  • Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday : 10-7p Saturday:10 am -5pm Tuesday/Thursday: 4p-7p Saturdays: 11a-5p

Call us for a complimentary telephone consultation. Corporate Hours Monday-Saturday 09-7p www.jacob-s-ladder-tutor-onsite/online.com 832-889-8929 https://www.tmphcertifiedcasemanager.website/



  • 8 Sessions per Month:
  • Tuesday- Wednesday-Thursday-Saturday: 2- 3 hours sessions
  • Tutorial Sessions
  • English, Reading, Math, Writing